ГНЦ ВБ «Вектор» и ИОА СО РАН ведут систематическое изучение биогенной компоненты тропосферного аэрозоля юга Западной Сибири. Биогенная компонента характеризуется нами двумя ее наиболее
важными составляющими – суммарным белком и жизнеспособными микроорганизмами. В статье рассматриваются результаты анализа и обобщения накопленных за период наблюдений экспериментальных данных. Получены регрессионные зависимости концентрации суммарного белка и жизнеспособных микроорганизмов от месяца наблюдений и высоты над подстилающей поверхностью.
        A.I. Borodulin, A.S. Safatov, V.V. Marchenko, A.N. Shabanov, B.D. Belan, M.V. Panchenko. The altitude and seasonal changeability of the concentration of biogenic component of tropospheric aerosol in
Southwestern Siberia.
SRC VB «Vector» and Institute of Atmospheric Optics of SB RAS systematically study the biogenic com-
ponent of tropospheric aerosol in Southwestern Siberia. The two most important constituents characterizing the
biogenic component are total protein and viable microorganisms. The results of analysis and generalization of
the experimental data accumulated over the period of observations are considered. Regression relationships be-
tween the concentration of total protein and viable microorganisms, as well as the height above the underlying
surface and the month of observation have been obtained.
        Рассматриваются результаты трехлетнего цикла изучения концентрации суммарного белка и живых микроорганизмов в тропосферном аэрозоле юга Западной Сибири. Анализ результатов измерений показывает, что концентрация таких аэрозолей имеет разброс, обусловленный статистической природой рассеяния атмосферных примесей. На основании имеющегося ансамбля данных измерений показано, что концентрация живых микроорганизмов в тропосферном аэрозоле подчиняется дискретной статистике Пуассона, а концентрация суммарного белка подчиняется законам континуальной статистики.
        A.I. Borodulin, A.S. Safatov, B.D. Belan, M.V. Panchenko. On the statistics of tropospheric aerosol concentration in Southwestern Siberia.
The results of a three-year series of measuring the concentration of total protein and living microorganisms in the tropospheric aerosol in Southwestern Siberia are considered. The analysis of the results of measurements shows that the aerosol concentration has a spread caused by statistical nature of diffusion of aerosol admixtures. It was shown on the basis of the existing ensemble of measured data that the concentration of living microorganisms in the tropospheric aerosol is governed by the Poisson discrete statistics while the concentration of total protein follows the laws of continual statistics.
        Monitoring of the fine and ultrafine aerosol at the TOR station of Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS allowed us to
reveal some peculiarities in the diurnal behavior of aerosol with particle size d <0.2 um. Estimates of the generation rate
of aerosols due to gas-to-particle conversion are presented
        Some results of analysis of more than 400 aerosol samples made over West Siberia regions during last almost fiveyear studies onboard airborne laboratory are presented. Analysis of samples enabled us to reconstruct differential
distributions of ions and elements. The chemical matrix for Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cu, Mn, Cr, Ag, Pb, Ni, Ba, Sn, V,
Mo, Co, B, K, Nat, C1, S042, N03, Br, F, NH4 and their vertical profiles were computed.
Also analysis of differences in the chemical composition of near-ground aerosol is conducted based on the
measurements at two points (Tomsk city and Kireevsk village) located at a 60-km distance from each other in
summers 1997-1998. Significant differences caused by the impact of local sources and by the differences in the air
masses are found for some chemical elements and ions.
        Keywords: airborne sounding of atmosphere; atmospheric aerosol, background, natural, anthropogenic; chemical
(ionic and elemental) composition of aerosol
        The surface ozone concentration is analyzed based on the results of 10-year hourly monitoring. Many-year trends,
change in the character of the seasonal behavior in some years, and peculiarities of the diurnal dynamics are revealed.
The probabilities of excess over diurnally mean and one-time maximum permissible concentrations are calculated.