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Method for Identifying and Clustering Rossby Wave Breaking Events in the Northern Hemisphere
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology 2021 №1

A. V. Gochakov, O. Yu. Antokhina, V. N. Krupchatnikov & Yu. V. Martynova
        Many large-scale dynamic phenomena in the Earth’s atmosphere are associated with the processes of propagation and breaking of Rossby waves. A new method for identifying the Rossby wave breaking (RWB) is proposed. It is based on the detection of breakings centers by analyzing the shape of the contours of potential vorticity or temperature on quasimaterial surfaces: isentropic and iserthelic (surfaces of constant Ertel potential vorticity (PV)), with further RWB center clustering to larger regions. The method is applied to the set of constant PV levels (0.3 to 9.8 PVU with a step of 0.5 PVU) at the level of potential temperature of 350 K for 12:00 UTC. The ERA-Interim reanalysis data from 1979 to 2019 are used for the method development. The type of RWB (cyclonic/anticyclonic), its area and center are determined by analyzing the vortex geometry at each PV level for every day. The RWBs obtained at this stage are designated as elementary breakings. Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise algorithm (DBSCAN) was applied to all elementary breakings for each month. As a result, a graphic dataset describing locations and dynamics of RWBs for every month from 1979 to 2019 is formed. The RWB frequency is also evaluated for each longitude, taking into account the duration of each RWB and the number of levels involved, as well as the anomalies of these parameters.
        Rossby wave breaking, blocking, potential vortex, potential vorticity, cluster analysis DOI: 10.3103/S1068373921010027
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-30 11:25:41
Гранулометрический состав осевшего аэрозольного вещества и соотношение фенольных соединений в хвое разного возраста.
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2021 №2

Тентюков М.П., Михайлов В.И., Тимушев Д.А., Симоненков Д.В., Белан Б.Д.
        Приведены результаты лазерной гранулометрии нанодисперсной фракции аэрозольного вещества и УФ-спектрометрии водных смывов разновозрастной хвои четырех видов растений. Оценено влияние гидротермических условий на временную изменчивость морфометрических показателей хвои и загрязнение ее поверхности фенольными соединениями в составе вторичных органических аэрозолей. Обсуждается механизм генерирования вторичных органических аэрозолей на поверхности разновозрастной хвои при эффлоресценции фенольных соединений и последующем их поступлении в полог леса при турбулентном отрыве пограничного слоя от листовой поверхности.
        динамическое рассеяние света, эффлоресценция, субмикронные аэрозоли, вторичные органические аэрозоли, фенольные соединения, загрязнение хвои DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210207. https://ao-pv.iao.ru/ru/content/vol.34-2021/iss.02/7
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 15:31:41
The Relationship between the Ultraviolet Radiation and Meteorological Factors and Atmospheric Turbidity: Part II. Role of Surface Albedo
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2021 №2

B.D. Belan, G.A. Ivlev, and T.K. Sklyadneva
        We analyze the interrelation between variations in the surface ultraviolet radiation in the wavelength range 280–320 nm and the state of the underlying surface. This is done using a homogeneous time series of measurements of UV–B radiation at the Tropospheric Ozone Research (TOR) station of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) data on columnar ozone, ground-based aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements from the AERONET network, and data on cloud cover available from the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMCES SB RAS) meteorological site for 2004–2016.
        atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation, total ozone content, clouds, variations, albedo of the underlying surface DOI: 10.1134/S1024856021020020
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 15:40:19
Визуализация структурно-текстурных изменений в новообразующемся снежном слое при длительном снегопаде
Лёд и Снег 2021 №2

М.П. Тентюков
        На примере наблюдений нарастания снежной толщи во время длительного снегопада охарактеризованы особенности проявления структурно-текстурных неоднородностей в новообразующемся снежном слое по диффузному отражению света в оптическом диапазоне спектра. Показана область практического приложения оптической диагностики в видимом диапазоне спектра при изучении стратиграфии снежного покрова.
        структура снега, текстура снега, микроморфология снега, стратиграфия снега, оптическая анизотропия, диффузное отражение света https://doi.org/10.31857/S2076673421020083
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-31 14:37:00
Granulometric Composition of Settled Aerosol Material and Ratio of Phenolic Compounds in Different-Age Needles
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2021 №3

M.P. Tentukova, V.I. Mikhailov, D.A. Timushev, D.V. Simonenkov, and B.D. Belan
        We present the results from laser granulometry of a nanosized fraction of aerosol substance and from UV spectrometry of water washouts from different-age needles in four plant species. It is estimated how the hydrothermal conditions influence the time variations in morphometric indices of needles and contamination of their surfaces by phenolic compounds in the composition of secondary organic aerosols. We discuss how secondary organic aerosols are generated on the surfaces of different-age needles during efflorescence of phenolic compounds and their subsequent entry into the forest canopy during turbulent separation of the boundary layer from the leaf surface
        dynamic light scattering, efflorescence, submicron aerosols, secondary organic aerosols, phenolic compounds, needle contamination DOI: 10.1134/S1024856021030167
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 15:55:11
Surface Ozone Concentration in Russia in the Second Half of 2020
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2021 №4

V.V. Andreeva, M.Yu. Arshinov, B.D. Belan, S.B. Belan, D.K. Davydov, V.I. Demin, N.F. Elansky, G.S. Zhamsueva, A.S. Zayakhanov, G.A. Ivlev, A.V. Kozlov, S.N. Kotel’nikov, I. N. Kuznetsova, V.A. Lapchenko, E.A. Lezina, O.V. Postylyakov, D.E. Savkin, I.A. Senik, E.V. Stepanov, G.N. Tolmachev, A.V. Fofonov, I.V. Chelibanov, V.P. Chelibanov, V.V. Shirotov, and K. A. Shukurov
        Abstract—We present information on ozone concentration in the surface air layer in the second half of 2020. Data were obtained at 13 stations located in different regions of Russia. We estimated the excess over hygienic standards of the Russian Federation, both in the second half of the year and throughout 2020. It is shown that the daily average maximum permissible concentration of ozone is regularly exceeded at all stations. There are cases of exceeding the one-time maximum permissible concentration
        Keywords: atmosphere, air, concentration, ozone, maximum permissible concentration, surface layer DOI: 10.1134/S1024856021040035
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 11:49:10
Приземная концентрация озона на территории России во втором полугодии 2020 г.
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2021 №4

Андреев В.В., Аршинов М.Ю., Белан Б.Д., Белан С.Б., Давыдов Д.К., Демин В.И., Еланский Н.Ф., Жамсуева Г.С., Заяханов А.С., Ивлев Г.А., Козлов А.В., Котельников С.Н., Кузнецова И.Н., Лапченко В.А., Лезина Е.А., Постыляков О.В., Савкин Д.Е., Сеник И.А., Степанов Е.В., Толмачев Г.Н., Фофонов А.В., Челибанов И.В., Челибанов В.П., Широтов В.В., Шукуров К.А.
        Приводятся сведения о концентрации озона в приземном слое воздуха во втором полугодии 2020 г. Данные получены на 13 станциях, расположенных в разных регионах России. Выполнена оценка превышения гигиенических нормативов, установленных в РФ, как во втором полугодии, так и в целом за 2020 г. Показано, что среднесуточная предельно допустимая концентрация озона регулярно превышается на всех станциях. Имеются случаи превышения максимальной разовой предельно допустимой концентрации.
        атмосфера, воздух, концентрация, озон, предельно допустимая концентрация, приземный слой DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210407
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 16:11:54
Anomalous Vertical Distribution of Organic Aerosol over Southwestern Siberia in September 2018
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2021 №5

M. Yu. Arshinov, V. G. Arshinova, B. D. Belan, D. K. Davydov , G. A. Ivlev, A. S. Kozlov , L. V. Kuibida , T. M. Rasskazchikova, D. V. Simonenkov, G. N. Tolmachev, and A. V. Fofonov
        In this work, data of aircraft sensing are used to analyze the anomalous vertical distribution of organic aerosol recorded on September 14, 2018. It is anomalous in that, in contrast to the multiyear average profile, the maximal concentration in the boundary layer during this flight was more than an order of magnitude higher than the previously measured concentrations. The contribution from aerosol of different origins to the total concentration in different tropospheric layers is estimated. Analysis of possible sources of aerosol precursor particles revealed quite a wide sector, on the territory of which there are boreal forests, which are the sources of biogenic compounds, as well as objects of industrial infrastructure, which emit anthropogenic compounds
        anomaly, vertical distribution, organic aerosol, surface layer, boundary layer, free atmosphere DOI: 10.1134/S1024856021050043
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 16:20:10
Late-spring and summertime tropospheric ozone and NO2 in western Siberia and the Russian Arctic: regional model evaluation and sensitivities
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021 №6

Thomas Thorp, Stephen R. Arnold, Richard J. Pope, Dominick V. Spracklen, Luke Conibear, Christoph Knote, Mikhail Arshinov, Boris Belan, Eija Asmi, Tuomas Laurila, Andrei I. Skorokhod, Tuomo Nieminen, and Tuukka Petäjä
        We use a regional chemistry transport model (Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with chemistry, WRF-Chem) in conjunction with surface observations of tropospheric ozone and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite retrievals of tropospheric column NO2 to evaluate processes controlling the regional distribution of tropospheric ozone over western Siberia for late spring and summer in 2011. This region hosts a range of anthropogenic and natural ozone precursor sources, and it serves as a gateway for near-surface transport of Eurasian pollution to the Arctic. However, there is a severe lack of in situ observations to constrain tropospheric ozone sources and sinks in the region. We show widespread negative bias in WRFChem tropospheric column NO2 when compared to OMI satellite observations from May–August, which is reduced when using ECLIPSE (Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants) v5a emissions (fractional mean bias (FMB) = −0.82 to −0.73) compared with the EDGAR (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research)-HTAP (Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution) v2.2 emissions data (FMB = −0.80 to −0.70). Despite the large negative bias, the spatial correlations between model and observed NO2 columns suggest that the spatial pattern of NOx sources in the region is well represented. Scaling transport and energy emissions in the ECLIPSE v5a inventory by a factor of 2 reduces column NO2 bias (FMB = −0.66 to −0.35), but with overestimates in some urban regions and little change to a persistent underestimate in background regions. Based on the scaled ECLIPSE v5a emissions, we assess the influence of the two dominant anthropogenic emission sectors (transport and energy) and vegetation fires on surface NOx and ozone over Siberia and the Russian Arctic. Our results suggest regional ozone is more sensitive to anthropogenic emissions, particularly from the transport sector, and the contribution from fire emissions maximises in June and is largely confined to latitudes south of 60◦ N. Ozone dry deposition fluxes from the model simulations show that the dominant ozone dry deposition sink in the region is to forest vegetation, averaging 8.0 Tg of ozone per month, peaking at 10.3 Tg of ozone deposition during June. The impact of fires on ozone dry deposition within the domain is small compared to anthropogenic emissions and is negligible north of 60◦ N. Overall, our results suggest that surface ozone in the region is controlled by an interplay between seasonality in atmospheric transport patterns, vegetation dry deposition, and a dominance of transport and energy sector emissions.
        https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-4677-2021 https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/21/4677/2021/acp-21-4677-2021.pdf
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 15:13:21
Change in the Air Composition upon the Transition from the Troposphere to the Stratosphere
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2021 №6

P. N. Antokhin, V. G. Arshinova, M. Yu. Arshinov, B. D. Belan, S. B. Belan, L. P. Golobokova, D. K. Davydov, G. A. Ivlev, A. V. Kozlov, A. S. Kozlov, V. I. Otmakhov, T. M. Rasskazchikova, D. V. Simonenkov, G. N. Tolmachev & A. V. Fofonov
        Airborne sensing data are used to study the change in the air composition upon the transition from the troposphere to the stratosphere. The distribution of seven gases and the size spectrum and chemical composition of aerosol particles are analyzed. It is shown that when crossing the tropopause, the concentrations of H2О, CO, and CH4 sharply decrease, while the concentrations of О3 and NO2 and the aerosol particle number density, to the contrary, increase. Above the tropopause, Si predominates in the elemental composition and prevails in the ionic composition. In the troposphere, terrigenous elements Al, Cu, and Fe predominate, while in the ionic composition the prevailing set of several ions varies from one region to another. Noticeable differences in the size spectrum of particles are revealed as well.
        atmosphere, aerosol, air, vertical distribution, gases, composition, stratosphere, troposphere DOI: 10.1134/S1024856021060300
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 16:22:41
Vertical Distribution of Alkanes in Atmospheric Aerosol in the Russian Arctic in September 2020
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2021 №6

Arshinova, V. G. , Arshinov, M. Yu. , Belan, B. D. , Davydov, D. K. , Ivlev, G. A. , Kozlov, A. V. , Kozlov, A. S. , Rasskazchikova, T. M. , Simonenkov, D. V. , Tolmachev, G. N.
        A combined experiment aimed at the study of the air composition over all the seas in the Russian Arctic was carried out in September 2020 with the Optik Tu-134 flying laboratory. The experiment included sampling the of atmospheric aerosol in the air layer from 200 to 9000 m above sea level and determining the concentration of saturated hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) in aerosol particles. Saturated hydrocarbon compounds in the range C9H20-C27H56 were found in the air of this sector of the Arctic. The main mass of this class of organic compounds is concentrated in the narrower range C10H22-C20H42. The concentration of n-alkanes in aerosol over all the seas was low (ranging within 9.3-12.6 ng/m3). The only exception was the Chukchi Sea, over which the concentration attained 37.7 ng/m3.
        Arctic, atmosphere, aerosol, saturated hydrocarbons (n-alkanes), vertical distribution DOI: 10.1134/S1024856021060312
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 16:25:48
Изменение состава воздуха при переходе из тропосферы в стратосферу
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2021 №11

Антохин П. Н., Аршинова В. Г., Аршинов М. Ю., Белан Б. Д., Белан С. Б., Голобокова Л. П., Давыдов Д. К., Ивлев Г. А., Козлов А. В., Козлов А. С., Отмахов В. И., Рассказчикова Т. М., Симоненков Д. В., Толмачев Г. Н., Фофонов А. В.
        По данным самолетного зондирования исследуется изменение состава воздуха при переходе из тропосферы в стратосферу. Анализируется распределение семи газов, дисперсного и химического состава аэрозоля. Показано, что при пересечении тропопаузы содержание H2О, CO и CH4 резко уменьшается, а О3, NO2 и счетная концентрация аэрозоля, наоборот, увеличиваются. В элементном составе над тропопаузой доминирует Si, в ионном – SO42– В тропосфере же преобладают терригенные элементы Al, Cu, Fe, а среди ионов набор из нескольких соединений, изменяющийся по регионам. Выявлены также заметные различия в дисперсном составе частиц.
        атмосфера, аэрозоль, воздух, вертикальное распределение, газы, состав, стратосфера, тропосфера; atmosphere, aerosol, air, vertical distribution, gases, composition, stratosphere, troposphere.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-29 16:39:13
Субмикронный аэрозоль и поглощающее вещество в тропосфере российского сектора Арктики по данным измерений самолета-лаборатории Ту-134 «Оптик» в 2020 г.
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2021 №11

П.Н. Зенкова, Д.Г. Чернов, В.П. Шмаргунов, М.В. Панченко, Б.Д. Белан
        В сентябре 2020 г. на самолете-лаборатории Ту-134 «Оптик» было проведено широкомасштабное комплексное исследование состава тропосферы над российским сектором Арктики. Исследована пространственно-временная изменчивость концентраций аэрозоля и черного углерода (ВС). По данным зондирования проанализированы общие и отличительные черты пространственной изменчивости вертикальных профилей концентрации аэрозоля и ВС. Получены интегральные концентрации ВС в столбе атмосферы в арктических и субарктических широтах.
        аэрозоль, черный углерод, сажа, вертикальное распределение, самолет-лаборатория, Арктика; aerosol, black carbon, soot, vertical profiles, aircraft laboratory, the Arctic. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20211108
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-30 15:19:55
Вертикальное распределение н-алканов в атмосферном аэрозоле российского сектора Арктики в сентябре 2020 г.
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2021 №12

Аршинова В. Г., Аршинов М. Ю., Белан Б. Д., Давыдов Д. К., Ивлев Г. А., Козлов А. В., Козлов А. С., Рассказчикова Т. М., Симоненков Д. В., Толмачев Г. Н.
        В сентябре 2020 г. на самолете-лаборатории Ту-134 «Оптик» был выполнен комплексный эксперимент по исследованию состава воздуха над всеми морями российского сектора Арктики. Эксперимент включал также отбор проб атмосферного аэрозоля в слое от 200 до 9000 м над уровнем моря и определение в его частицах концентрации предельных углеводородов (н-алканов). В воздухе российского сектора Арктики были обнаружены соединения предельных углеводородов С9Н20–С27Н56. Основная же масса этого класса органических соединений заключена в более узком диапазоне С10Н22–С20Н42. Средняя во всем слое тропосферы концентрация н-алканов в аэрозоле над всеми морями была небольшой, в пределах 9,3–12,6 нг/м3. Исключение составляет Чукотское море, над которым их концентрация достигала 37,7 нг/м3
        Арктика, атмосфера, аэрозоль, предельные углеводороды (н-алканы), вертикальное распределение; Arctic, atmosphere, aerosol, saturated hydrocarbons (n-alkanes), vertical distribution. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20211203.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-30 11:18:45
Characterization of Aerosol Sources and Optical Properties in Siberia Using Airborne and Spaceborne Observations
Atmosphere 2021 №12

Antonin Zabukovec, Gerard Ancellet, Iwan E. Penner, Mikhail Arshinov, Valery Kozlov, Jacques Pelon, Jean-Daniel Paris, Grigory Kokhanenko, Yuri S. Balin, Dimitry Chernov and Boris D. Belan
        Airborne backscatter lidar at 532 nm and in-situ measurements of black carbon (BC), carbon monoxide excess above background (ΔCO), and aerosol size distribution were carried out over Siberia in July 2013 and June 2017 in order to sample several kinds of aerosol sources. Aerosol types are derived using the Lagrangian FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model (FLEXPART) simulations and satellite observations. Six aerosol types could be identified in this work: (i) dusty aerosol mixture, (ii) Ob valley gas flaring emission, (iii) fresh forest fire, (iv) aged forest fire, (v) urban emissions over the Tomsk/Novosibirsk region (vi) long range transport of Northern China urban emission. The altitude range of aerosol layers is discussed for each aerosol type, showing transport above the boundary layer for long range transport of Northern China emissions or fresh forest fire. Comparisons of aerosol optical properties, BC and ΔCO are made between aged and fresh plumes for both the urban and forest fire emissions. An increase of aerosol optical depth at 532 nm (AOD532 ), aerosol particle size and ΔCO is found for aged forest fire plumes. Similar results are obtained when comparing the aged urban plume from Northern China with fresh urban emissions from Siberian cities. A flight above gas flaring emissions corresponds to the largest AOD532 and provides a possible range of 50–60 sr for the lidar ratio of these aerosol plumes often encountered in Siberia. Black carbon concentrations are relatively higher for the flaring plume (0.4–0.5 μg.m−3 ) than for the urban plume (0.2 μg.m−3 ). The largest BC concentrations are found for the fresh forest fire plume. The aerosol type identification and AOD532 provided by CALIOP Version 4.2 data products in air masses with similar origin generally agree with the results obtained from our detailed analysis of the aerosol plume origins.
        aerosol sources; Siberia; lidar remote sensing https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12020244
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-31 13:42:49
Methane in the atmosphere and surface water of Lake Baikal
SPIE 2021 №11916

D. A. Pestunov, V. M. Domysheva, M. V. Sakirko, A. M. Shamrin, M. V. Panchenko
        Long-term observation series of the methane content in the near-water atmosphere and in water in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal are analyzed. The measurements were carried out in the Baikal Atmospheric-Limnological Observatory (BALO SB RAS, which is a part of the Resource Sharing Center “Atmosfera”). A steady increase of the methane content in the atmosphere by about 12 ppb per year is observed. The average diurnal methane content in March 2021 (the last measurement cycle) was 2.012 ppm. For the period of ling-term observations, the measured partial methane pressure in the surface water always exceeded that in the atmosphere. This fact indicates that this part of Lake Baikal is a source of methane into the atmosphere. For the coastal zone, the average value of methane flux from water was 380μgСН4 m-2 day1 . The observed increased methane concentration in the near-bottom layer indicates the predominance of bottom methanogenesis. Our data show that the increment rate of dissolved methane in surface water of Lake Baikal is 0.015 μgCH4/l per year.
        Atmospheric methane, dissolved methane, methane trends, methane diurnal pattern, methane seasonal pattern, methanogenesis, Lake Baikal https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2603722
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-31 14:20:42
Study of transboundary aerosol transport from Aral-Caspian arid region to the south of Western Siberia in 2015-2016
SPIE 2021 №11916

Denis V. Simonenkov, Karim A. Shukurov, Alexey V. Nevzorov, Andrey P. Makeev, Sergey B. Belan, Alireza Rashki
        Based on the previously proposed comprehensive backward-trajectory methodology for studying the patterns of transboundary transport of aerosol-gas air impurities originated from desert regions of Central Asia, the impact of the Aral-Caspian arid zone on Tomsk region and on the background area of the Ob region in the south of the Novosibirsk Oblast in 2015-2016 is assessed. In the first, we used the dataset of lidar sounding of the aerosol scattering ratio at the High-Altitude Sounding Station of Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. In the second, the dataset of regular aircraft aerosol measurements over Karakansky Bor (pine forest) on the right southern bank of Novosibirsk reservoir is used. Approbation of backward-trajectory technique for the datasets of 2015-2016 showed a significant effect of the Aral-Caspian arid region on the aerosol load of the troposphere of the south of Western Siberia.
        Aral-Caspian arid region, desert aerosol, lidar sounding, airborne sensing, aerosol sampling, trajectory analysis, the south of Western Siberia (SWS), atmospheric pollutants. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2603267
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-31 14:22:27
Vertical profiles of aerosol and absorbing matter over settlements in the north of Russia
SPIE 2021 №11916

Polina N. Zenkova, Dmitriy G. Chernov, Mikhail Yu. Arshinov, Boris D. Belan, Mikhail V. Panchenko
        The results of measurements of aerosol and absorbing substance vertical profiles from onboard of the TU-134 "Optic" laboratory aircraft during Arctic flights in the fall of 2020 are presented. The vertical distributions of mass concentrations of aerosol and absorbing matter over Arkhangelsk, Tiksi and Anadyr are analyzed. The aerosol optical characteristics over three cities in the north of Russia are reconstructed and compared with the measurement data.
        model, atmospheric aerosol, number concentration, submicron and coarse particles, multi-year series of observations https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2603829
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Дата добавления на сайт 2024-01-31 14:24:21