Tuukka Petдjд, Ella-Maria Duplissy, Ksenia Tabakova, Julia Schmale,, Barbara Altstдdter, Gerard Ancellet,
Mikhail Arshinov, Yurii Balin, Urs Baltensperger, Jens Bange, Alison Beamish, Boris Belan, Antoine Berchet,
Rossana Bossi, Warren R. L. Cairns, Ralf Ebinghaus, Imad El Haddad, Beatriz Ferreira-Araujo,
Anna Franck, Lin Huang, Antti Hyvдrinen, Angelika Humbert,, Athina-Cerise Kalogridis,
Pavel Konstantinov,, Astrid Lampert, Matthew MacLeod, Olivier Magand, Alexander Mahura,
Louis Marelle,, Vladimir Masloboev, Dmitri Moisseev, Vaios Moschos, Niklas Neckel, Tatsuo Onishi,
Stefan Osterwalder, Aino Ovaska, Pauli Paasonen, Mikhail Panchenko, Fidel Pankratov, Jakob B. Pernov,
Andreas Platis, Olga Popovicheva, Jean-Christophe Raut, Aurйlie Riandet,a, Torsten Sachs,
Rosamaria Salvatori, Roberto Salzano, Ludwig Schrцder, Martin Schцn, Vladimir Shevchenko,
Henrik Skov, Jeroen E. Sonke, Andrea Spolaor, Vasileios K. Stathopoulos, Mikko Strahlendorff,
Jennie L. Thomas, Vito Vitale, Sterios Vratolis, Carlo Barbante,, Sabine Chabrillat, Aurйlien Dommergue,
Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Jyri Heilimo, Kathy S. Law, Andreas Massling, Steffen M. Noe,
Jean-Daniel Paris, Andrй S. H. Prйvфt, Ilona Riipinen, Birgit Wehner, Zhiyong Xie, and
Hanna K. Lappalainen,
        Abstract. The role of polar regions is increasing in terms of
megatrends such as globalization, new transport routes, de-
mography, and the use of natural resources with consequent
effects on regional and transported pollutant concentrations.
We set up the ERA-PLANET Strand 4 project “iCUPE – in-
tegrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Envi-
ronments” to provide novel insights and observational data
on global grand challenges with an Arctic focus. We utilize
an integrated approach combining in situ observations, satel-
lite remote sensing Earth observations (EOs), and multi-scale
modeling to synthesize data from comprehensive long-term
measurements, intensive campaigns, and satellites to deliver
data products, metrics, and indicators to stakeholders con-
cerning the environmental status, availability, and extraction
of natural resources in the polar areas. The iCUPE work con-
sists of thematic state-of-the-art research and the provision
of novel data in atmospheric pollution, local sources and
transboundary transport, the characterization of arctic sur-
faces and their changes, an assessment of the concentrations
and impacts of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants
and their cycling, the quantification of emissions from natu-
ral resource extraction, and the validation and optimization
of satellite Earth observation (EO) data streams. In this pa-
per we introduce the iCUPE project and summarize initial
results arising out of the integration of comprehensive in situ
observations, satellite remote sensing, and multi-scale mod-
eling in the Arctic context.
        В работе анализируются изменения продолжительности солнечного сияния (ПСС) в Томске за период
1961–2018 гг. и отдельно за 1961–1990 и 1981–2010 гг. с использованием информации об облачности. Ус-
тановлено, что фактическое значение средней многолетней месячной ПСС колеблется от 44 ч в декабре до 317 ч
в июне – июле. Анализ многолетнего хода ПСС показал, что с 1961 до 1989 г. наблюдался рост, а с 1999 г. –
уменьшение ПСС, обусловленное ростом балла нижней облачности и высокой повторяемостью сплошной
облачности. В настоящее время ПСС в Томске увеличилась относительно исторического периода 1961–1990 гг.
Получены уравнения регрессии между ПСС и суммарной солнечной радиацией, измеренной на TOR-станции
ИОА СО РАН в период 1996–2018 гг.
M. V. Panchenkoa, , M. V. Kabanovb, Yu. A. Pkhalagova, †, B. D. Belana, V. S. Kozlova, S. M. Sakerina,
D. M. Kabanova, V. N. Uzhegova, N. N. Shchelkanova, V. V. Polkina, S. A. Terpugovaa,
G. N. Tolmacheva, E. P. Yaushevaa, M. Yu. Arshinova, D. V. Simonenkova, V. P. Shmargunova,
D. G. Chernova, Yu. S. Turchinovicha, Vas. V. Pol’kina, T. B. Zhuravlevaa,
I. M. Nasrtdinova, and P. N. Zenkova
        In the work dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics,
Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAO SB RAS), experimental studies are reviewed in a certain
chronology that have been milestones in the development of an integrated study of aerosol life in the atmo-
sphere. We discuss briefly the main results from the series of expedition studies of the optical and microphys-
ical properties of aerosol of marine coastal hazes, arid zones, and different geographic regions of the World
Ocean. The modern set of methods and instrumentation that we use to measure the aerosol characteristics in
the monitoring mode at the network of IAO SB RAS stations is described. The results of multiyear studies of
tropospheric aerosol using aircraft laboratories are presented.
        Keywords: aerosol, optical and microphysical characteristics, scattering, extinction, and absorption coefficients, spectral transparency, aerosol optical depth
        Синхронный эксперимент по исследованию динамики радиационных величин в раз-
личных условиях: городская среда и открытая загородная местность был произведен
в августе-сентябре 2020. Ежеминутно производили измерения мощности амбиентного
эквивалента дозы γ-излучения, плотности потока β-излучения на высоте 1 м на терри-
ториях геофизической обсерватории ИМКЭС СО РАН и на станции БЭК ИОА СО РАН.
Оба пункта мониторинга были оборудованы оптическими осадкомерами ОПТИОС. Ос-
новной целью исследования было исследование различий в отклике радиационного β-
и γ-фона на жидкие атмосферные осадки внутри городской среды и на открытой мест-
ности, вдалеке от городской инфраструктуры и лесных массивов. Доказано, что пункт
мониторинг, расположенный в городской черте адекватно отражают метеорологическую
обстановку, как минимум в радиусе 3 км.
        Variations in the sunlight duration (SLD) in Tomsk are analyzed for the period from 1961 to 2018
and separately for 1961–1990 and 1981–2010. Data on clouds and total solar radiation obtained at the
TOR-station of IAO SB RAS in 1996–2018 are used. The actual long-term monthly mean SLD ranges
from 44 h in December to 317 h in June–July. The analysis of the long-term variation in SLD shows its
increase from 1961 to 1989 and its decrease starting from 1999 due to an increase in the low cloud cover and
high frequency of continuous clouds. The SLD in Tomsk in the modern period has increased relative to the
historical period. Regression equations between SLD and the total solar radiation (Q) are derived.
        Data from passive sampling are used to compare the chemical compositions of water- and acid-
soluble forms of aerosols in background forested regions during autumn, winter, and spring periods. We cal-
culated the coefficients of aerosol accumulation and absolute values of aerosol enrichment, and analyzed
back trajectories. Seasonal changes in the chemical composition of aerosol fractions are shown, and the pres-
ence of elements indicating the activity of thermal power plants is noted.
        Keywords: aerosol, dry depositions, passive sampling, back trajectories.
        По данным пассивного отбора проб выполнено сравнение химического состава водо- и кислотораствори-
мых форм аэрозоля в фоновом лесном районе в течение осеннего, зимнего и весеннего периодов. Рассчитаны
коэффициенты аэрозольной аккумуляции и модули аэрозольного обогащения, проведен анализ обратных
траекторий. Показаны сезонные изменения в составе фракций, отмечено присутствие элементов-индикаторов
работы предприятий теплоэнергетики
        In this paper, we studied the interrelation between the variations in CH4, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, O3,
and SO2 concentrations, and the number concentration of aerosol with particle diameters larger than 0.4 μm,
and the following meteorological parameters: air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and
speed, total solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation in the wavelength range of 295–320 nm, relative humid-
ity, and partial water vapor pressure. For this, we used data from monitoring the air composition (for the
period 1993–2018) performed at the Tropospheric Ozone Research (TOR) station in the region of Tomsk
        We analyze the interrelation between the diurnal intake of UV–B radiation and a number of fac-
tors determining the absorption of UV radiation in the atmosphere (total ozone content (TOC), cloud frac-
tion, and aerosol optical depth (AOD)). This is done using a homogeneous time series of measurements of
UV–B radiation at the Tropospheric Ozone Research (TOR) station of the Institute of Atmospheric
Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, from 2003 to 2016, satellite data on TOC, AOD
data from the AERONET network, and data on cloud cover from the meteorological site of the Institute
of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. The
regression equations are obtained, relating the increment of the diurnal intake of UV-B radiation as a func-
tion of the increment of TOC under different cloud conditions and atmospheric transparency.
        Keywords: atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation, total ozone content, clouds, variations
        We present the results of a large-scale study of carbon dioxide and methane distributions carried
out on the territory of Western Siberia in 2018–2019 using a Picarro G4301 portable gas analyzer. The analysis
of the data made it possible to retrieve the spatial distribution of background CO2 and CH4 concentrations
with a high resolution. The inhomogeneities found in the CO2 and CH4 distributions were both due to the
effect of ecosystems characteristic for different regions of Western Siberia and to specific features of their sea-
sonal cycles.
        Keywords: atmospheric composition, greenhouse gases, spatial distribution
        Information on the ozone concentration in the surface air and troposphere in the first half of 2020
is presented. The data were acquired at 13 stations in different Russian regions; vertical distributions were
obtained with the use of an aircraft laboratory. The excess over the Russian Federation hygienic standards is
assessed; the daily average ozone concentration is found to be regularly higher the maximum permissible con-
centrations at most stations. At some stations, there are features the seasonal variations in the ozone concen-
tration in the period under study different from previous years.
        We analyze the interrelation between the daily UV–B radiation and a number of factors determining
the absorption of UV radiation in the atmosphere (total ozone content (TOC), cloud amount, and aerosol opti-
cal depth (AOD)). This is done using a homogeneous time series of measurements of UV–B radiation at the
Tropospheric Ozone Research (TOR) station of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian
Academy of Sciences, from 2003 to 2016, satellite data on TOC, AOD data from the AERONET network, and
data on cloud cover from the meteorological site of the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Sys-
tems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. The regression equations are obtained, relating the incre-
ment of the diurnal intake of UV-B radiation as a function of the increment of TOC under different cloud con-
ditions and atmospheric transparency.
        Keywords: atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation, total ozone content, clouds, variations
        В работе исследовалась взаимосвязь между изменениями концентраций CH4, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, O3,
SO2 и счетной концентрации аэрозолей с частицами диаметром более 0,4 мкм и следующими метеовеличи-
нами: температурой воздуха, атмосферным давлением, направлением и скоростью ветра, суммарной сол-
нечной радиацией и ультрафиолетовой радиацией в диапазоне 295–320 нм, относительной влажностью
и упругостью водяного пара. Использовались данные мониторинга состава воздуха (за период 1993–
2018 гг.) на TOR-станции в районе Академгородка г. Томска.
        Представлены результаты крупномасштабного исследования распределений углекислого газа и метана,
проведенного на территории Западной Сибири в 2018–2019 гг. с использованием портативного газоанализа-
тора Picarro G4301. Анализ полученных данных позволил восстановить пространственное распределение
фоновых концентраций CO2 и CH4 с высоким разрешением. Выявленные неоднородности распределения
CO2 и CH4 обусловлены как воздействием экосистем, характерных для разных регионов Западной Сибири,
так и особенностями их сезонных циклов.
        Анализируется взаимосвязь суточного поступления УФ–Б-радиации и ряда факторов, определяющих
поглощение УФ-радиации в атмосфере (ОСО, балл облачности, АОТ). Для этого используются однород-
ный ряд измерений УФ–Б-радиации на TOR-станции ИОА СО РАН 2003–2016 гг., спутниковые данные
по ОСО, данные по АОТ сети AERONET и данные по баллу облачности с метеоплощадки ИМКЭС СО РАН.
Получены уравнения регрессии приращения суточного поступления УФ–Б-радиации в зависимости от при-
ращения ОСО при разных условиях облачности и прозрачности атмосферы.
        Ключевые слова: атмосфера, ультрафиолетовая радиация, общее содержание озона, облачность, вариа-
ции; atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation, total ozone content, cloudiness, variations.
        В обзоре приведены сведения о концентрации озона в приземном слое воздуха и тропосфере в первом
полугодии 2020 г. Данные получены на 13 станциях, расположенных в разных регионах России; распреде-
ление по вертикали – с помощью самолета-лаборатории. Выполнена оценка превышения гигиенических
нормативов, установленных в РФ. Показано, что среднесуточная предельно допустимая концентрация озона
регулярно превышается на большинстве станций. На ряде станций имеются особенности в сезонном ходе,
отличные от предыдущих лет.
        Представлены результаты комплексного эксперимента по определению вертикального распределения ме-
тана в тропосфере Западной Сибири по солнечным спектрам с использованием Фурье-спектрометра FTS 125M,
натурных измерений с борта самолета-лаборатории и спутниковых данных. Проводится анализ и сравнение
полученных результатов.
        В работе по данным самолетного зондирования анализируется аномальное вертикальное распределение
органического аэрозоля, зафиксированное 14 сентября 2018 г. Его аномальность заключается в том, что
в отличие от многолетнего среднего профиля в этом полете наблюдался максимум концентрации в погранич-
ном слое, который более чем на порядок превышал измеренные ранее концентрации. Сделаны оценки вкла-
да аэрозоля различного происхождения в его общую концентрацию в разных тропосферных слоях. Анализ
возможных источников поступления предшественников аэрозольных частиц выявил достаточно обширный
сектор, на территории которого имеются бореальные леса – источники биогенных соединений, а также объ-
екты промышленной инфраструктуры – эмитенты антропогенных выбросов.
        Рис. 1. Приземная карта погоды 14 сентября 2018 г. (06:00 ВСВ)
Рис. 5. Зона влияния атмосферного переноса на высоте 500 м, рассчитанная для места и времени отбора проб аэрозоля по данным HYSPLIT (NOAA)
        Анализируется взаимосвязь между вариациями значений приземной ультрафиолетовой радиации в диа-
пазоне длин волн 280–320 нм и состоянием подстилающей поверхности. Для этого используются однород-
ный ряд измерений УФ–Б-радиации на TOR-станции ИОА СО РАН, спутниковые данные AIRS монито-
ринга содержания озона в столбе атмосферы, наземные данные изменения аэрозольной оптической толщи-
ны сети AERONET и данные по баллу облачности с метеоплощадки ИМКЭС СО РАН за 2004–2016 гг.
        Ключевые слова: атмосфера, ультрафиолетовая радиация, общее содержание озона, облачность, вариа-
ции, альбедо подстилающей поверхности; atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation, total ozone content, cloudiness,
variations, albedo of the underlying surface.
Alexandr Safatov, Irina Andreeva, Galina Buryak, Olesia Ohlopkova, Sergei Olkin, Larisa Puchkova, Irina Reznikova, Nadezda Solovyanova, Boris Belan, Mikhail Panchenko, Denis Simonenkov
        One of the most important components of atmospheric aerosols are microorganisms.
Therefore, it is necessary to assess the hazard to humans, both from individual microorganisms which
are present in atmospheric bioaerosols as well as from their pool. An approach for determining the
hazard of bacteria and yeasts found in atmospheric bioaerosols for humans has previously been
proposed. The purpose of this paper is to compare our results for 2006–2008 with the results of
studies obtained in 2012–2016 to identify changes in the characteristics of bioaerosols occurring over
a decade in the south of Western Siberia. Experimental data on the growth, morphological and
biochemical properties of bacteria and yeasts were determined for each isolate found in bioaerosol
samples. The integral indices of the hazards of bacteria and yeast for humans were constructed for
each isolate based on experimentally determined isolate characteristics according to the approach
developed by authors in 2008. Data analysis of two datasets showed that hazard to humans of
culturable microorganisms in the atmospheric aerosol in the south of Western Siberia has not changed
significantly for 10 years (trends are undistinguishable from zero with a confidence level of more
than 95%) despite a noticeable decrease in the average annual number of culturable microorganisms
per cubic meter (6–10 times for 10 years).
        Keywords: atmospheric aerosols; bioaerosols; culturable bacteria; long-term trends; hazard for human
        This paper presents results of a comprehensive analysis of the formation of gases
and aerosol composition during the anomalously hot April 2020 in Western Siberia. The
analysis of the observed change in atmospheric composition and a modeling study with the
WRF-Chem is carried out for suburban (TOR-station) and background (FON-station) areas.
Two episodes of increased gases and aerosols were detected: 13-15 April with a peak on 14 (in
most part for the TOR station: increased NO, NO2, CO, CO2, aerosols) and 17-24 April with a
peak on 23 (for both stations O3, aerosol, in most part for the FON station: NO2, SO2, CO, and
CO2). Atmospheric circulation in the first episode was characterized by mesoscale differences
between the two studied locations (surface temperature delta, although both stations are in the
same region of large-scale transfers). For the second episode, a large scale atmospheric ridge
was observed,which caused a transboundary transfer from Northern Kazakhstan and early
wildfires. The simulation with WRF has demonstrated in most cases only the role of wildfires
and, in general, has not demonstrated any observed differences between the two episodes. It
shows that there is a need to search for more sensitive methods of discovering sources of
        IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 611 (2020) 012035
        The paper considers variations in the chemical composition of the tropospheric aerosol over the background region of the
south of Western Siberia in 1997 - 2019. Sounding of the troposphere from 500 to 7000 m above the Karakan pine forest
(Novosibirsk region) with an almost monthly frequency is carried out from 1997 to the present using the Optic-E
aircraft-laboratory based on the Antonov-30 until 2011 and the Tupolev-134 Optik in this decade. Aerosol sampling is
performed at each height and in layers: 500-1000, 1500-2000, 3000-4000, 5500-7000 m onto Petryanov filters (AFA-
ChP/ChA-20). Subsequent quantitative analysis for the content of ions and elements in aerosol matter was carried out at
the Laboratory for Environmental Monitoring at Tomsk State University. Based on 1200 sample samples (until 2019),
the annual cycle of the defined components was built. Their temporal and spatial variability is analyzed. The total
variability of the concentration of the inorganic component does not exceed 2 orders of magnitude. Temporary
variability of the concentration of trace elements can be more spatial, reaching 4 orders of magnitude. Some data are also
presented on organic aerosol, an experimental study of which by the aircraft-laboratory began in the current decade.
        Carbon dioxide and methane flows are studied from measurements at the Fonovaya Observatory and two
measurement sites in the Iksinsk swamp (Tomsk Region, Russia) in August and September 2019. The measurements
were carried out with automatic static chambers. It is shown that in August all the three measurements sites are sinks of
carbon dioxide, while in September the flow character becomes intermittent. The both sites in the Iksinsk swamp are
sources of methane for the entire period of measurements.
        The paper compares the results of numerical modeling of the calculated concentration of aerosol with the results
of measurements performed on the territory of the Fonovaya(Background) Observatory.
        The algorithm for source identification and concentration field reconstruction problems for an atmospheric chem-
istry transport and transformation model is tested with combined in situ and remote sensing data. It is based on
the ensembles of the adjoint problem solutions and the sensitivity operators. Novosibirsk city traffic emissions
inverse modeling scenario is used to test the algorithm.
        Keywords: source identification problem, atmospheric chemistry, remote sensing data, in situ measurements, continuation problem, Novosibirsk city, adjoint ensemble, sensitivity operator.