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Atmospheric Aerosol Fungi Concentration and Diversity in the South of Western Siberia
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2010 №1

A.S. Safatov, T.V. Teplyakova, B.D. Belan, G.A. Buryak, I.G. Vorob’eva, I.N. Mikhailovskaya, M.V. Panchenko, A.N. Sergeev
        The results of the twooyear observation of the atmospheric aerosol fungi concentration and diverr sity in the south of Western Siberia are presented. It is found that the fungi concentration in samples of atmoo spheric air can change dramatically: from less than 10 up to several thousands of viable fungi per cubic meter. A total of 18 genera of fungi referring to 3 subdivisions (Zygomycotina, Ascomycotina, and Deuteromycotina) were identified in the samples under study. Among them are representatives of those genera that are potentially pathoo genic for human health (e.g., Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, Trichoderma, etc.) and those that may be useful in modern biotechnology (e.g., Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Ganoderma, etc.).
        DOI: 10.1134/S1024856010010148
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 10:55:49
Масштаб деструкции тропосферного озона в облаках
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2010 №1

М.Ю. Аршинов, Б.Д. Белан, Г.Н. Толмачев, А.В. Фофонов
        По данным самолетного зондирования исследовалось изменение концентрации тропосферного озона. Для измерений использовалось три озонометра: хемилюминесцентный 3-02П и два ультрафиолетовых – Модель-49С Thermo Environment Inc. (США). Исследованию подверглись следующие виды облаков: Cu, Cu med., St, Sc, As, Ac. Протяженность облачных слоев в среднем составила 1,5 км и изменялась от 0,4 до 4,5 км. Деструкция озона в облаках составила в среднем 11–15 млрд–1 и находилась в диапазоне от 3 до 34 млрд–1. В зависимости от типа облаков деструкция изменялась почти в 2 раза. Оценка годового стока озона в облаках показала, что он близок к годовому балансу озона в тропосфере.
        Ключевые слова: озон, тропосфера, сток, взаимодействие, облака, осаждение; ozone, troposphere, sink, interaction, cloud, deposition.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 11:30:29
The Scale of Ozone Destruction in Clouds
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 2010 №2

M.Yu. Arshinov, B.D. Belan, G.N. Tolmachev, A.V. Fofonov
        Changes in the concentration of tropospheric ozone in clouds were investigated based on aircraft sensing data. Three ozonometers were used for the measurements—one chemiluminescent 3302P and two UV 49C (Thermo Environment Inc., United States). The following types of clouds were studied: Cu, Cu med., St, Sc, As, and Ac. The thickness of the cloud layers was 1.5 km on average and varied from 0.4 to 4.5 km. The ozone destruction in clouds was 11–15 ppb on average and ranged from 3 to 34 ppb; it changed nearly twofold depending on the cloud type. The estimation of the annual runoff of ozone in clouds has shown that it is close to the annual ozone balance in the troposphere.
        DOI: 10.1134/S1024856010020041
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 10:57:24
American Meteorological Society 2010 №5

J-D Paris, Ph. Ciais, Ph. Nedelec, A. Stohl, B.D. Belan, M.Yu. Arshinov, C. Carouge, G.S. Golitsyn, I.G. Granberg
        here are very few large-scale observations of the chemical composition of the Siberian airshed. The Airborne Extensive Regional Observations in Siberia (YAKAEROSIB) French–Russian research program aims to fill this gap by collecting repeated aircraft high-precision measurements of the vertical distribution of CO2, CO, O3, and aerosol size distribution in the Siberian troposphere on a transect of 4,000 km during campaigns lasting approximately one week. This manuscript gives an overview of the results from five campaigns executed in April 2006, September 2006, August 2007, and early and late July 2008. The dense set of CO2 vertical profiles, consisting of some 50 profiles in each campaign, is shown to constrain large-scale models of CO2 synoptic transport, in particular frontal transport processes. The observed seasonal cycle of CO2 in altitude reduces uncertainty on the seasonal covariance between vegetation fluxes and vertical mixing, known as the “seasonal rectifier effect.” Regarding carbon dioxide, we illustrate the potential of the YAKAEROSIB data to cross-validate a global CO2 transport model. When compared to the CO2 data, the model is likely to be biased toward too-weak mixing in winter, as it overestimates the CO2 vertical gradient compared to the observation. Regarding pollutants, we illustrate through case studies the occurence of CO enhancements of 30–50 ppb above background values, coincident with high O3. These high CO values correspond to large-scale transport of anthropogenic emissions from Europe, and to wildfires in the Caspian Sea area, over much cleaner Arctic air (September 2006). An occurence of extremely high CO values above 5,000 km in eastern Siberia is found to be related to the very fast transport and uplift of Chinese anthropogenic emissions caused by a cold front (April 2006).
        Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Volume 91: Issue 5 DOI:10.1175/2009BAMS2663.1
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 11:11:35
Continuous measurements of methane from a tower network over Siberia
Tellus 2010 №5

        We have been conducting continuous measurements of Methane (CH4) concentration from an expanding network of towers (JR-STATION: Japan–Russia Siberian Tall Tower Inland Observation Network) located in taiga, steppe and wetland biomes of Siberia since 2004. High daytime means (>2000 ppb) observed simultaneously at several towers during winter, together with in situ weather data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, indicate that high pressure systems caused CH4 accumulation at subcontinental scale due to the widespread formation of an inversion layer. Daytime means sometimes exceeded 2000 ppb, particularly in the summer of 2007 when temperature and precipitation rates were anomalously high over West Siberia, which implies that CH4 emission from wetlands were exceptionally high in 2007. Many hot spots detected by MODIS in the summer of 2007 illustrate that the contribution of biomass burning also cannot be neglected. Daytime mean CH4 concentrations from the Siberian tower sites were generally higher than CH4 values reported at NOAA coastal sites in the same latitudinal zone, and the difference in concentrations between two sets of sites was reproduced with a coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian transport model. Simulations of emissions from different CH4 sources suggested that the major contributor to variation switched from wetlands during summer to fossil fuel during winter.
        DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00494.x
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 11:18:11
Многолетняя изменчивость озона и аэрозоля в районе Томска и оправдываемость прогноза их среднегодовых концентраций на десятилетие
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2010 №9

П.Н. Антохин, М.Ю. Аршинов, Б.Д. Белан, С.Б. Белан, Т.К. Скляднева, Г.Н. Толмачев
        Рассматриваются многолетние изменения концентрации озона и аэрозоля в районе Томского академгородка, которые авторы связывают с солнечной активностью. Сопоставляются результаты прогноза, данного на 23-й цикл солнечной активности, с фактическими данными. Оказалось, что прогноз почти полностью оправ- дался для аэрозоля и значительно хуже для озона. Составлен прогноз на следующий 24-й 11-летний цикл.
        Ключевые слова: озон, аэрозоль, солнечная активность, прогноз; ozone, aerosol, solar activity, forecast.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 11:28:51
Вертикальное распределение озона в тропосфере над югом Западной Сибири
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2010 №9

Б.Д. Белан, Г.Н. Толмачев, А.В. Фофонов
        По данным зондирования атмосферы, проводимого в течение многих лет на самолете-лаборатории АН-30 «Оптик-Э», рассмотрена динамика вертикального распределения тропосферного озона над одним из районов Сибири. Для измерений озона использовался хемилюминесцентный озонометр 3-02П. Показано, что в годовом ходе вертикального распределения озона в тропосфере четко выделяются два режима: осенне-зимний и весенне-летний. Переход от осенне-зимнего к весенне-летнему начинается у поверхности земли в конце февраля и заканчивается в верхней тропосфере в конце апреля, а от весенне-летнего к осенне-зимнему начинается в верхней тропосфере в начале сентября и заканчивается в средней тропосфере в середине октября. За рас- сматриваемый период (1997–2009 гг.) в свободной тропосфере зафиксированы три четких максимума и два минимума. Причем не все они отражаются в приземном слое, так же как зоны повышенных концентраций не достигают верхней тропосферы. Наиболее вероятно, что это образование озона из соединений, приносимых из других регионов. Причиной этого, скорее всего, является изменение циркуляционных процессов. Рассмотрены также особенности распределения озона в пограничном слое атмосферы.
        Ключевые слова: озон, вертикальный, распределение, тропосфера; ozone, vertical, distribution, troposphere.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 11:32:07
Блокирующая роль Уральских гор в трансграничном переносе примесей из Европы в Азию
Оптика атмосферы и океана 2010 №11

П.Н. Антохин, В.Г. Аршинова, М.Ю. Аршинов, Б.Д. Белан, С.Б. Белан, Д.К. Давыдов, Г.А. Ивлев, А.В. Козлов, Т.М. Рассказчикова, А.В. Фофонов
        Дан анализ распределения примесей в регионе, примыкающем к Уральским горам, с целью поиска над территорией Сибири следов западноевропейских выбросов. Показано, что трансграничный перенос примесей из Европы в Азию по прямым траекториям (вдоль круга широты) с запада на восток возможен только в свободной тропосфере, в слое выше 2 км. В пределах пограничного слоя атмосферы поступление примесей из Европы в Сибирь возможно только по траекториям, огибающим Уральские горы с севера или юга.
        Ключевые слова: аэрозоль, блок, газы, распределение, трансграничный перенос; aerosol, block, gases, distribution, transboundary carry.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-14 11:34:13
Chemical composition of industrial aerosol in some regions

D.V. Simonenkov, B.D. Belan, G.N. Tolmachev
        In this paper we discuss the data on chemical composition of aerosol emitted by enterprises in some regions during 1990-2004. The larger half of airborne surveys was carried out in 1990-1992 over largest industrial centers of Russia and Kazakhstan (Nizshni Tagil, Khabarovsk, Nizshnevartovsk, Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Ulan-Ude, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk, etc.). The data were obtained by collecting air samples from the emission plumes from onboard the Antonov-30 airborne-laboratory “Optik-E”’. Almost all elements and ions to be determined are found in the plant emissions. Concentrations of one or another component can differ by 5 orders of magnitude, what is probably indicative of the properties of the fuel used or the technological peculiarities. The enhanced content of Si, Ca, Al, Mg, and Zn in ashes fraction is characteristic of the enterprises in Khabarovsk and Pavlodar, which used coal during the period of measurements. In addition, high concentration of the water-soluble fraction of ions NH,*, SO,”, and Bris observed in the emissions of enterprises in Pavlodarthat is indicative of the specific peculiarities of the coal burnt. The concentration of Na’, K’, and CIis higher in the plumes observed in Khabarovsk. Although the concentrations of aerosol chemical components measured in the plumes are of certain interest, they are not completely informative because the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere depends on the source power, meteorological conditions, solar radiation that favors the transformation of impurities, etc. The air samples were additionally collected at the same heights outside the plume. Hence, one can estimate the enrichment of the ambient air by the emissions. The complex sounding of atmosphere over Norilsk industrial region in 2002 - 2004 allowed to observe the gas-to-particle conversion in the plume emitted from non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises and to evaluate the deposition of aerosol components formed in the plume.
        CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONSVolume 22, 2010 197 Editor Eliseo Ranzi Copyright © 2010, AIDIC Servizi S.r.|., ISBN 978-88-95608-13-6 ISSN 1974-9791 DOI: 10.3303/CET1022032
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-17 15:03:23
An Estimation of Sea Aerosol Part in Seashore Town Gelendzhik Air in the 2009 Summer

A.S. Safatov, M.Yu. Arshinov, A.M. Baklanov, G.A. Buryak, V.M. Generalov, S.A. Kiselev, A.S. Kozlov, S.B. Malyshkin, S.E. Olkin, I.K. Peznikova, A.N. Sergeev, B.D. Belan, D.V. Simonenkov
        The evaluation and prediction of air quality in settlements requires our awareness of the main pollutant sources and their power changing with time (anthropogenic sources) or under the influence of environmental conditions (natural sources). In seaside cities, aerosol of sea origin is one of significant sources of air pollutants. Complex estimation of different atmospheric boundary layer pollutants in Gelendzhik wascarried out in the first decade of July 2009. The conducted investigations showed that in the period of observations the portion of sea aerosol made up from 4 to 25% of the total aerosol. These data correlates well with similar data for the Mediterranean. It was found that pollutant concentrations in aerosol were considerably lower than the corresponding average daily maximum permissible concentrations values.
        Keywords: Atmospheric pollution, Atmospheric aerosol, Chemical composition, Aerosol sources.
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-17 15:08:40
Measurements of Ultrafine and Fine Aerosol Particles over Russia: Large-scale Airborne Campaigns

M.Yu. Arshinov, J-D Paris, A. Stohl, B.D. Belan, P. Ciais, P. Nedelec
        In-situ measurements of ultrafine and fine aerosol particles obtained in the Siberian troposphere during large-scale airborne campaigns were analyzed. These measurements have been carried out in the framework of several international and Russian State projects aimed at to fill the gap in data on atmospheric components of climatic importance distributed in the Siberian air shed. In this paper we focus on particles with diameters from 3 to 20 nm to study new particle formation in the free troposphere (FT) over middle and high latitudes of Asia. In the upper troposphere number concentration of ultrafine particles varied between 20 and 3000 cm-3. The data obtained during YAK- AEROSIB/POLARCAT 2008 campaigns showed that remote Siberian troposphere is a relatively efficient source region for recently formed particles. Measurements carried out in the FT (3-7 km) showed that about 44% of them satisfied criteria of new particle formation. More favorable conditions are observed between 5 and 7 km (48%).
        DOI: 10.3303/CET1022014
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Дата добавления на сайт 2021-05-17 15:15:40